
Why should i blog? I always thought it was kinda egotistical. My political activism has always been about working as a collective, and why should people give a damn about what happeneds in my personal life.

 I was once told by someone whose opinion I respect that all writers have blogs. I never really considered myself a writer, more of an activist who resorts to writing to get my message across.

After getting pre-arrested at the G20 in Toronto, as part of the “conspiracy” I found out my best friend for a year and a half was a dirty pig, and my other good friend for over 10 years was a payed for police informant. hundreds of pages of disclosure were about me, my friend, my health issues , and even how i chose to have sex with my ex.
This information,tainted ,twisted and made up was presented to my ex co accused (my charges were dropped last Nov., cause they didnt want me spilling the dirt on how corrupt these pigs were) there lawyers, the court and if it goes to trial the public at large.

I realize that being a dissident means being slandered brutalized and criminalized. From 1998-2006 i was on bail, in jail or semi house arrest. The system isnt going to give u a hug for trying to bring it down. But it was this incident and the aftermath that made me realize that being seen as an enemy of the state means that your life story and who you are will be made public. This blog is my attempt to set out my side of the story, not just about the g20 but everything in general. This site will have info on actions, political analysis, articles and my views on this screwed up system…..hope u enjoy

15 Responses to “About”

  1. Tony Macerollo November 23, 2011 at 2:12 am #

    Hi I have a blog too. And I don’t have comment section because frankly I don’t care what people think, for the most part. So. As I indicated to Kevin Sutton, and as a veteran of protests (except for the nuclear subs in Vancouver – I can’t swim). I’ve been on the outside and on the inside, frankly looking to do the right thing. So in your mind, what is the right thing, specifically one step at a time?

    • julian ichim November 23, 2011 at 2:54 am #

      at this point in time break the silence and not lets this happened to anyone else……In terms of other issues read my blog its full of my opinions on what the right thing is.

      • Alexandru Ichim August 2, 2014 at 12:49 am #

        You need a Gospel to be known by.I dedicate one to you.Maybe we are cousins.

      • Alexandru Ichim August 2, 2014 at 2:48 am #

        Mai cunosti limba romana.Ai invatat-o cumva de la parinti.Nu prea te inteleg canadienii bine caci vor toti sa faca bani.Am un proiect in lucru care te -ar interesa.

  2. doug November 25, 2011 at 3:58 am #

    Followed your blog for a bit.You really are a fucked up guy!!

  3. Andreas April 25, 2012 at 9:46 pm #

    The ‘best’ infiltrators destroy trust, breed paranoia. Please don’t let them win. You do have friends, people you can trust, friends who will ask hard questions making you wonder if there are ulterior motives behind the questions. Just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get us. And just as true, just because they’re out to get us doesn’t mean we have to be paranoid. Take care, dear friend, even though we have never met.

  4. andredoucette June 26, 2012 at 3:24 pm #


    Godspeed on your campaign. When you win your case, consider investing some of the acquired money into the music scene. There are many rare and talented artists speaking the same words of protest that could use help with recording and marketing costs. Music changes the world. Always has, always will!

    I have many suggestions.

    Best of luck!!


  5. aron evans November 8, 2012 at 5:26 am #

    Canada Country Granny.. says… the rule of law and civil society only exist because people have been conditioned to believe in a system fraught with corruption….and Dear Doug on the topic of Castro & Julian… well that’s just your conditioned opinion …

  6. Rosamaria May 24, 2013 at 6:04 am #

    You health care didnt even think about it

  7. Stephen July 10, 2013 at 4:51 pm #

    Hi Julian,

    I’m a Canadian citizen who’s only recently returned to Canada after living in Ireland for 5 years, including Belfast. I was engaged in activism of various types while there and after discovering your blog and becoming aware of some of your anti-imperialist activity in Toronto, would be interested in getting involved. Please feel free to contact me via the email I’ve provided.

    Is mise,

    • julian ichim July 11, 2013 at 10:26 pm #

      just msged u from my not so public email that i check semi regularly….the name that comes up is Julian Guevara (long story)….shoot me a line whenever ur free

  8. Kyle May 29, 2014 at 4:25 pm #

    Keep your coins, I want change.

    Power To The People.

    One Love.

  9. Alexandru Ichim August 27, 2014 at 1:22 am #

    I am a canadian citizen,and belong to the working class.I have a project that might be of interest for you”.Let’s be realistic and try the impossible”-as Che Guevarra.loved to say.
    Why as a very representative member of the most educated layer of the working class I cann’t contact you.I am fully trilingual:English,French ,Romanian.Give me a shot.Maybe we are cousins if you tell me of what county of Romania your parents are coming from.My origins seems to be in Maicanesti.You experience with the undercover agent with muslim name is also funny.but shouldn’t make you paranoic.E-mail to me or give me a shout when you come by in toronto.We’ll go together for a pizza.On Thanksgiving come to my place for barbecue.

  10. John Rutherford November 27, 2017 at 2:26 pm #

    Hello Comrade,

    I was wondering if I could talk to you about your republican activities for a book I’m writing on post-Good Friday Agreement Irish Republicanism. Please reply at your earliest convenience.

    • julian ichim November 27, 2017 at 4:13 pm #

      hey feel free to add me on facebook julian theodore ichim or email me jichim32@gmail.com facebook is the quickest way to get ahold of me

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