Archive | June, 2016

No Pride in Policing WRPS states that calling people homo is covered by the constitution

30 Jun

So as my readers are aware a woman in my community has been a victim of constant stalking, harassment and most recently was almost clipped by a car of the abuser while she was walking with her roommates kid to the store. She went to the police but solution has been provided. Recently she handed over a shit ton of document evidence of this harassment to the police.

Part of this mass of evidence that she has handed over is harassment by the abuser of her friends and such. In this document the abuser, using his real name has been harassing and bullying someone calling them a “homo” and other homophobic slurs which violates both hate laws and cyber bullying laws. Today when I got back home I found out that the police responded to this by stating that this sort of homophobic behavior targeted at an individual in the eyes of the police is protected by the constitution,

At this point in time when people are celebrating pride and the Toronto Police Chief apologized for the bathraids claiming that want to turn the page and have better relations with the queer community, it is telling that the WRPS is stating that homophobia and attacks of a homophobic nature are protected by the constitution. What sort of new relationship with the queer community do the police want to have when they are refusing to enforce laws set to protect queer people. What sort of new relationship do they want when they turn their back on a woman who is the victim of toxic patriarchal behavior? Why should the queer community have any faith in the police and their empty promises when they say that homophobia is protected by the constitution? Will this issue only be addressed when this woman ends up dead? In the wake of the murder of our friend Brandon as a result of this toxic behavior getting shot in front of his kids one would think that the police would take cases of abuse and homophobia more seriously. Clearly the new relationship police are seeking is the same as the old relationship, where hatred is protected by the constitution!!! The fact that this persons sister is a auxiliary officer and a CAS worker should mean that the police should take this more seriously, rather then do what they always do and protect their own at the cost of innocent lives are destroyed.

The masks come off as haughty abuser feels untouchable

26 Jun

On June 18th a well known stalker whose harassment stalking and and general intimidation has been reported on in this blog has upped his game by trying to clip the woman he has been stalking and the child of her roommate in his car. The driver was identified by said youth despite the fact that he has never seen or known about the way in which said abuser looks like.

The fact that he is not in jail has emboldened the sicko so much that he now uses his real name on facebook posts meant to intimidate this woman and continues to stalk and harass said woman.

Today once again the abuser drove by the woman’s house to clearly intimidate her as he does and she went to the police once again. I accompanied her as a witness and as such we were treated quite well and police seemed very interested.

Yet I wonder if i tried to clip some kid with a car, had a documented history of physical violence towards said person would I be free a week later to drive by and continue this? Clearly the answer is no, but then again my sister is neither an auxiliary officer of the WRPS nor a CAS worker.

Regardless the level of violence is clearly intensifying and it would be quite sad if she were to die at the hands of this misogynist because of the courtesy that the state agents grant each other

Below is the speech delivered earlier today by 32CSM Chairperson Francie Mackey outside the Department of Foreign Affairs –

24 Jun


32 County Sovereignty Movement
June 18 at 5:44pm ยท

Below is the speech delivered earlier today by 32CSM Chairperson Francie Mackey outside the Department of Foreign Affairs –

“We are gathered here today to expose the hypocrisy and contradictions of Leinster House politicians who in recent weeks have joined in the campaign on whether or not the UK should remain or leave the EU and by our presence here we call on the British people and their government to respect the sovereignty of the Irish people as they go to the polls in defence of their respective sovereign nations, i.e. England Scotland and Wales.
It is their right and theirs alone to determine their future free from outside interference however the interference in Ireland determining our future denies us our sovereign rights and denies the sovereignty of our people.
It is evident by the utterings from Leinster House and Stormont
politicians that their Home Rule project of normalising British Rule in Ireland will be further exposed.
Their mantra of stating the Irish question is settled will be stripped of any real meaning if the claims and counter claims about border control and custom posts being erected becomes a reality.
The real concern is if such a situation arises the visual impact of the
violation of Irish National Sovereignty will be a stark reminder that the Irish question is not resolved and the sovereign rights of the Irish people continue to be violated and usurped.
Is this the real reason why Leinster House and Stormont politicians have got involved? The reality is if the English people exercise their
democratic right to leave the EU which, by the way is none of our
business and if Scotland and Wales exercise their democratic right to remain in the EU the break up of the UK is imminent. Scotland has already indicated they will seek a referendum for their independence.
In such a scenario where does that leave the occupied 6 Counties of Ireland given it is not a country, it is not a nation. Will England fight to keep it? The dilemma for London and Dublin is the outworkings of failure to reach an Irish solution to an Irish problem.
We call here today on the Leinster House and Stormont politicians to now uphold Irish National Sovereignty, to defend it as it is their right to do so Leinster House politicians who in recent weeks have joined in the campaign on whether or not the UK should remain or leave the EU and by our presence here we call on the British people and their government to respect the sovereignty of the Irish people as they go to the polls in defence of their respective sovereign nations, i.e. England Scotland and Wales.
It is their right and theirs alone to determine their future free from outside interference however the interference in Ireland determining our future denies us our sovereign rights and denies the sovereignty of our people.
It is evident by the utterings from Leinster House and Stormont politicians that their Home Rule project of normalising British Rule in Ireland will be further exposed.
Their mantra of stating the Irish question is settled will be stripped of any real meaning if the claims and counter claims about border control and custom posts being erected becomes a reality.
The real concern is if such a situation arises the visual impact of the
violation of Irish National Sovereignty will be a stark reminder that the Irish question is not resolved and the sovereign rights of the Irish people continue to be violated and usurped.
Is this the real reason why Leinster House and Stormont politicians have got involved? The reality is if the English people exercise their
democratic right to leave the EU which, by the way is none of our
business and if Scotland and Wales exercise their democratic right to remain in the EU the break up of the UK is imminent. Scotland has all lready indicated they will seek a referendum for their independence.
In such a scenario where does that leave the occupied 6 Counties of Ireland given it is not a country, it is not a nation. Will England fight to keep it?
The dilemma for London and Dublin is the outworkings of failure to
reach an Irish solution to an Irish problem. We call here today on the Leinster House and Stormont politicians to now uphold Irish National Sovereignty, to defend it as it is their right to do so and we call on the British people and government to give Irish sovereignty the same respect, to relinguish their sovereign claim to part of the Irish Nation.
This will allow this island nation to work through the options on how the island is governed.
As we leave here we call on the Irish people to get behind the campaign to defend and uphold our sovereignty and let England Scotland and Wales look after their own affairs.”

Info Pickets and Banner drops in four cities in support of 32CSM call out on Brexit.

18 Jun

13417709_10153735964874211_4519822031351738828_nPeople in Kitchener, Toronto Montreal and Edmonton took a stand in support of Irish Sovereignty in terms of the Brexit vote. Over 700 flyers were handed out in Kitchener and toronto alone stating the following.

“Brexit – Protest highlighting the violation of Irish Sovereignty

The sovereign autonomy that those campaigning for the so called Brexit are seeking is the very same sovereign autonomy that successive British Governments have denied the people of Ireland. If they are successful in their campaign the contradiction between their new found position and their imperialist presence in Ireland will be profound. The partition of Ireland is an imperialist relic which has no place within any definition of national sovereignty or the rights of nations. If you mandate your government to leave the European Union on June 23rd on the basis of reclaiming your sovereignty you must extend that right and logic to the people of Ireland.”

In Kitchener the demonstration was deemed illegal and people disburse but later came back together in groups of threes, some going insode the Market, which is city property, and dropping flags and banners. When the threat of arrests did not work they bribed us with pepsi cola. Given that our choices was arrest or pepsi we took the pop as hundreds of flyers were handed and our point was raised.

In Toronto flyers were handed out at the British Consulate followed by flag and banner waving inside 777 College Street the building that houses the consulate, a jail and various other mechanisms of repression. A security guard asked us what the craic was but refused to take our msg to the consulate.

All in all today was very positive and more actions in support of Irish Sovereignty will increase and intensify.

Info picket in support of MST and against the coup was quite succesful

6 Jun

On Saturday Anti Colonial Working Group held an info picket at the Kitchener Farmers Market to raise awareness of the US backed Coup in Brazil, as well as the right wing forces attacks on the MST, the landless peasant movement in Brazil that has led to the loss of life. As an affiliate of the 32CSM, we thought it was quite fitting that the statement we handed out was the 32CSM statement on the illegal Coup and in support of the MST.

The reception we got from the people attending the Market was very positive, as we handed out over 600 copies of this statement which can be found at and many people engaged in serious discussion with us on this statement. Vendors at the farmers market did there part by taking copies of this statement to distribute at their tables and such. We look forward to attending the market again to raise the level of discussion and break the silence on the crimes of the imperialists in Brazil

Waterloo Regional Police, To Serve and Protect Abusers!!!!!

4 Jun

I am going to post a statement written by the partner of a friend of mine who is currently experiencing serious psychological abuse from an ex. When they were together he repetitively hospitalized her and now he is driving by her house, having friends threatening her at work to the point where she lost her job and countless other cruel and manipulative acts. When going to the police and being presented evidence she is turned away yet ironically last night he made up lies about something on social media, not only did they not investigate to see that it was pure shit, but they went to her house woke her up and intimidated her. Ironically the sister of the abuser works for CAS and is an auxiliary police officer.

W.R.P.S. seem to have a peculiar way to conduct the way the C .C.C. sec 264 , the law on criminal harassment . When individuals are being stalked , both physically and by means of social media , and the parties involved in these criminal behaviors go as far as to give their real name and cell # , W .R.P.S. constable Prentice , badge #1421 , disregarded any of this, stating you can NOT prove it was the individuals in question at their computer. Also , there is NO proof of said STALKER constantly driving by your home,at various hours , even with dates and times recorded physically , the makes of the vehicles , and 2 of the 4 vehicles licence plates Mr. Stalker uses to drive by in BLATANT attempts to intimidate . Yet , at approximately 1:30 this very morning , this very same Constable Prentice , bangs on my door , being accompanied by a female officer (who refused to give her name or badge # ) to WARN me about making threats, via face book . Threats of ” burning down a house ” apparently . Yet , these officers have ZERO evidence to back up any of this , and are going on the word of , you guessed it , the person doing the criminal harassment / stalking , and even try to lure me outside to discuss all of this . So , to sum up ,victims of crime, production of evidence = IT CAN NOT BE PROVEN , but on this person’s word alone , the individual committing the CRIMES , and ZERO proof = WARNINGS and attempt to lure outside past 1:38 , to ” talk “. The key to all this being turned a blind eye to in Waterloo ? The stalker’s sister works for C.A.S. Anyone else in the region see the twisted , even CRIMINAL logic being employed here ?