Archive | November, 2017

Alan Ryan Peoples Community Defense Brigade Call on Community to Join us this Friday

27 Nov

This Friday at from 5pm to 8pm for our patrol we will be setting up a table at the corner of Church street and Madison Ave. which is at the top of the hill of the ceder hill community. We will be serving coffee, hot chocolate and snacks and use this as a way to engage the community as well as reclaim space from anti social elements. We will also have garbage bags and gloves to pick up garbage dirty needles and other things such as used condoms making this space a more child friendly area. We call on people to join us or if possible donate snacks garbage bags etc all welcome.

Suspicious break in takes place during Alan Ryan Peoples Community Defense Brigade Patrol

26 Nov

Last night while we were out on patrol a break in took place in front of my fathers house in a car that I had my thinks. There was no sign of forced entry and the things the way in which the break in took place and what was taken and what was left behind is telling that this was no ordinary break in.

The person who broke in the car did not smash the window nor break anything nor were their any signs of jimmying which demonstrates that the person who did this did a professional job. Most likely the fob was copied which shows that they had some level of serious computer know how.

The person went into my bag and took an antique knife a oldschool flint locked musket, used syringes that were used for inter muscluar injections of heart medication, my affidavit for my passport, legal papers and my passport forms. Left behind was a full bottles of clonazapam, Temazapam Viagra and many other meds that have high street value, money, technology that could have been sold and other things.

Clearly this break in was not about money or a quick fix or any of that but rather was an attempt to get things that had information on myself, get things with my DNA as well as weapons which could be traced back to me. The fact that it was done right in front of my fathers house and that they went directly for my bag shows that they knew exactly what they were going for and that this was premeditated well planned out and quite brazen since there is mass support in this community for the work I do . The fact that legal documents were taken as well as dirty syringes both which have no street value demonstrate that this was not something done for money or a quick fix but rather to get information as well as my dna which I have always refused to give on principle. The antiques which were taken can be traced back to me and have my prints and dna all over them as well making them ideal tools to be used to frame me. The fact that money was ignored as was medicines with a high street value demonstrate that this was not done for money but rather another motive. The timing and the ability to pull it off so quickly without anyone noticing anything on a street where people got my back also demonstrates a serious level of surveillance leading up to this and the fact that this area and myself are heavily surveilled by the police makes it quite peculiar that magically no police were around and saw nothing.

After speaking to a lawyer he said I have no choice but to report it in case any of these antiques magically turn up at a murder scene or that my dna from the used rigs end up in the wrong place. So i went to the police station and filed out a report knowing that nothing will come of this. When asked who my suspects were I stated quite clearly I thought they did it or if not them some intelligence agency. The filling out of the report was short and there is an occurrence number 267732.

In any case this is quite clear that this break in was not some random crime and in all likelihood was done to intimidate myself and other comrades from engaging in the work we are doing or for far more nefarious purposes. Probably it was done by one of the states minions whom were provided with information and tools to carry this out. This will not break our resolution to continue our work.

Why We Need A Safe Injection Site NOW!!!

24 Nov


We have been pushing for a safe injection site in Kitchener
for over a year now. We are getting closer to our goals every day and want to share with everyone the reasoning behind this goal.
As anyone who follows the news is well aware overdose
deaths have increased exponentially over the past few years. A large part of the reason behind this is an increase in fentanyl which is showing up not just in opiate drugs but everywhere. People are literally dying in the streets and in homes and businesses
all over town. A safe injection site would provide a safer environment for people to use their drugs with trained professionals present in case of an overdose.This is a main reason for having a safe injection site and it is a big one – it quite literally saves
lives. However, there are many other benefits to this type of site both for the people who use it and the city in general. First, it can concentrate a lot of drug use into one contained area, which has multiple benefits for the community; people who may have
used in a park or an alleyway are now in one place, which also means they can dispose of their used needles and other equipment safely. Also it gives the clients of the site the chance to connect with other services – health care, counselling and potentially
rehab and such if they are interested in going that route. Right now people often don’t get help that they need because of the stigma around addiction. They hide their problems out of shame instead of treating it like any other health care issue. Having this
site could help to change that; instead of hiding in shame or being treated badly by the health care system people can have their needs met in an environment that promotes dignity and respect.
Another community benefit is the potential savings to
the health care system. There are many health issues that arise as a consequence of unsafe drug use. We have learned that our already overtaxed ambulance system is struggling to keep up with the increased amount of overdoses they are seeing. At the site trained
professionals can help deal with any overdoses with naloxone and other measures. Also, things like using a dirty needle or water or being in a dirty environment can increase the risk of bacterial infections abscesses and other infections, and HIV and Hepatitis
which can be spread by sharing equipment. Having a clean site with new equipment will cut down dramatically on these types of infections.
We all know that drug addiction and abuse affects poor
people far more than anyone else. People who live in poverty are unlikely to have a safety net to fall back on of savings or family or anything that can help mitigate the unpleasant consequences of addiction. We owe it to our most vulnerable citizens to do
whatever we can to help with addiction issues and opening this site is a step in that direction.


On November 11 we remembered the victims of Imperialism and the working class youth sent like meat to the grinders

24 Nov

On november 11 we gathered at the 32 CSM office to recognise
remembrance day from a realistic perspective. While others were marching to celebrate and glorify the war machine we watched the movie All Quiet on the Western Front and engaged in discussions with veterans about the realities of war. In our society the rich
wage wars to expand their bank accounts with the bodies of the poor as canon fodder. Although we did not have a huge turnout the people who attended were keen to listen and to learn.
The movie All Quiet on the Western Front as well as the
discussion reflect the reality of the sentence “a bayonet is a weapon with a worker on both sides”. Over the next year we aim to build and expand on this understanding so that we can create a genuine movement opposed to the wars of the imperialists.

Irish Holocaust Action Montreal This Past Saturday Successful

14 Nov

On Saturday at 2pm, members and supporters of the 32CSM in Montreal initiated a commemoration of the Genocide of Irish people by the British empire in 1847 at Jean Talon Market. The masses showed their interest and support in not only the Irish peoples history of suffering at the hands of British Colonialism – but also their present struggle to free their land from the domination. The 32CSM of Montreal had important conversations with the community on the subject of national self-determination in Ireland and elsewhere.

We would like to thank the staff of the Jean-Talon market for their support and sympathy. It would have been impossible without them. Given the interest of the community in Jean-Talon, we will be returning to the market for many events in the future to spread the awareness of continued British colonial aspirations in Ireland and elsewhere against the infringement of the peoples right to self-determination whereever it takes place.

British colonialism continues to this day on the Island of Ireland in the north with the south being subject to the activity of British supported Death-dealers. The recent assassination of political activists such as Alan and Vinnie Ryan has shown that the work of the terrorist Brits. Canadian Imperialism is also making the move on the south of Ireland with speculation in the mining industry, and the South is generally faced with overall.

Down with Imperialism
Down with Colonialism.
Long live the 32CSM

Alan Ryan Peoples Community Defense Brigade carries out successful patrol and serving

14 Nov

Friday the Alan Ryan Peoples Community Defense Brigade carried out a successful patrol. This was followed by a more successful free food serving done on Saturday where 7 Pizza’s were served.

The pizza was donated by members of the Romanian Orthodox community who see the importance of the work that we are doing and are stepping out to support in whatever way they can.

The idea of the community defending and protecting itself from attacks both physical and economical and creating a dual power is starting to be accepted not just by members of the community that are engaged through the door to door work but also by members of the establishment including those adversarial to us like police whom have as individuals told us that they support the work that we are doing and the more we do this work the more entrenched we become in the community.

Members of the Public and parents are now approaching us to sort out problems that the police is refusing to solve and we are now being seen by members of the community as a legitimate voice to sort out the problems of our community. We aim to expand our work until all working class communities in Kitchener have patrols, serving and units dedicated to those community. This is how we Honor Alan and Vinnie’s by carrying on their working and building the base of support for socialism through solving the problems that working class communities face and making the people the decision makers.

Thursday we stood with Sanguen and held a successful focus group on a safe injection site

14 Nov

On Thursday we held a very successful focus group on the need for a safe injection site. It was well attended and people got to express their views Today we will hold another one at 6pm.

This was followed by going out in the evening and showing support for the Sanguen van and the work that they do. Recently Sanguen, which provides harm reduction supply’s and food as well as winter clothing for addicts and those in need, has come under attack from reactionary forces that have openly called for the wiping out of poor people and addicts, particularly in Cambridge and as such we have decided to go out and show the community that people not only support the work that Sanguen is doing but that this work is necessary especially with the recent rise in overdoses as a result of the Overdose epidemic.

The attack on groups like Sanguen is part of a broader campaign to dehumanizing poor people and addicts so as to allow the anti social neoliberal austerity offensive to deny people these services which means life or death to poor people.

After all it is much easier to deny people the basic necessity’s that one needs to survive if they are seen as just a junkie or a bum as opposed to as a human being who is someone child, sibling or loved one.

By standing with Sanguen we aim to show that their is support for harm reduction and that the solution to the drug problem must be a pro human solution that is centered on the idea that addicts are human beings who must be helped and supported and are not the enemy but rather the victims of this epidemic.

By understanding that the addict is our sister our mother our child as opposed to some evil doer we can move forward in terms of solving this problem through recognizing that addiction stems from problems that these people are facing and that stopping people from ruining their lives with drugs starts by giving people a life worth living as opposed to making their lives more miserable through demonization criminalization and making them the enemy.

Call out for participants in Focus Group on Safe injection Site

6 Nov

We are holding two focus groups on having a safe injection site in Kitchener. We would like to hear from anyone who is involved or affected by drug use, addicts, users, families, front line workers etc.
Safe injection sites have been a very successful harm reduction tactic used in Vancouver and other cities. The purpose is to have a safe place for addicts to use in the company of trained professionals who can recognise and counteract overdose. Clean supplies and environment also helps to combat infections which not only saves pain and suffering but our overtaxed health care system. It also helps keep used needles off the streets so they can be safely disposed of. In addition it provides the users with a place to go where they can connect with services they may need. We want to hear what you think! Thursday Nov 9th 1pm and Tuesday Nov 14th at 7, place to be decided, please email if you’d like to take part.

Alan Ryan People Community Defense Brigade Continues to serve the people

6 Nov

On Friday the Alan Ryan’s Community Defense Brigade did our weekly patrol in the Cedar Hills neighbourhood. It was a quiet night, there were no problems, however we did run into a few situations where we checked on people and made sure they were alright. As usual we carried naloxone kits and harm reduction supplies in case anyone needed them. In the future we would like to have snacks available as well as information flyers about Ontario Works, ODSP etc, and eventually we will look for and dispose of any needles or other hazardous materials we may find. We followed up our weekly patrol by knocking on doors and talking to the people of the neighbourhood who were very happy to see us out there. They gave us suggestions about things they would like to see addressed such as the lack of subsidised daycare for single mothers in the neighbourhood. We will work on a plan to assist the people with this.

On Saturday we did our free food serving downtown which was a success as always. We had many people stop by for something to eat. We give to anyone who asks without regard for ID or proof of need or other nonsense. If anyone wants to eat they’re free to come get it. As Saturday was also the day we were at a Romanian Orthodox Church to commemorate the Irish people who died in the so-called potato famine, we talked to the Romanian people about our food serving. They are in complete support and would like to help with our food serving in the future so we look forward to bigger and better things.

Last Friday we went out to support Sanguen Van

6 Nov

On Friday we went out to support the Sanguen van on their stops in Cambridge. Unfortunately the van has seen some resistance lately from groups in Cambridge that are organising around the problem of improper used syringe disposal which are turning up on the streets and in parks. Recently a toddler was pricked with a used needle and had to undergo unpleasant medical procedures. We are also concerned about this issue, however we know the answer lies in better housing, medical and mental health care and treating all people with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, though initially well meaning, the Cambridge groups are packed with people who are recommending first getting rid of the Sanguen Van and all other needle exchange/harm reduction programs which they call ‘enabling” and even jailing, removing or killing all homeless people and addicts in Cambridge. They have started a silly rumour that other cities are sending their homeless and addicts to Cambridge to get “handouts” which is absurd, Cambridge is sadly lacking in services which is why this problem is much bigger than in Kitchener where there are better services for people who are struggling. We have screenshots of the worst of these threats against the most vulnerable and are doing what we can to counteract this ignorance through education and support. So Friday we went to the Bridges in Cambridge to show our support for the Sanguen Van and we will be doing the same this week, Thursday we will meet the van at Ray of Hope at 7 and friday at the Bridges. Come out and show your support to the people who are working hard everyday to make things better, and to oppose those calling for draconian measures against our most vulnerable fellow citizens,