Archive | October, 2018

Phone Jam This Halloween!!!!!House Tent City Now!!!!End Police Harassment of Tent City!!!

25 Oct

Oct 31st 9am to 5pm
Mayor Berry Vrbanovic

Waterloo Regional Council
519-575-4400 ext. 3403

Waterloo Region Public Health
519-575-4400 ext. 2267

For over two months people have been camping outside and providing overdose prevention to create a safe place for people to stay as well as demanding housing for the people at tent city as well as demanding an implementation of a safe injection site.

Since Tent City started the Region has promised us assistance in finding housing for the people of tent city as well as implementing a s safe injection site based on the following guidelines.

With the cold weather upon us the need for the city to house the people of tent city as well as all homeless people is more important then ever. Instead of housing people police and the state have increased repression searching peoples tents and arresting someone today. Please take some time out of your day and give a call and demand that the people of tent city be housed, that our solution to the drug problem be implemented and police stop harassing people at tent city.