Archive | March, 2019

Despite Fascist attacks meeting on safe injection site amazing

19 Mar

Right wing fascist scum protesting local coffee shop that has nothing to do with opiates

Despite the presence of fascist forces our meeting on our overdose prevention site and work to push for a safe injection site went amazing. Through disinformation using the internet and Facebook fascists looked like idiots protesting a local coffee shop and going to the region meeting armed with bats and other weapons.

About 40 people attended the meeting which was at a different location and discussed first hand how the overdose prevention site helped them. One person who was revived after a overdose spoke about how they would not be alive without it. Someone else spoke about the horror and panic of seeing someone od and the pressure they felt having to administer naloxone for the first time.

The necessity for an SIS was discussed and future action such as setting up an sis in the regions building and such was discussed. All in all the meeting was a success.