Archive | April, 2012

On the 37th anniversary of Liberation let us remember the Heroic Vietnamese struggle and intensify our support and struggle for the liberation of ALL!!

30 Apr

37 years ago today, the Vietnamese people in the south, under the leadership of the NLF have driven the invaders from there land and began to construct socialism and determine there own destiny.

Vietnam, a small country in Indochina has begun has struggled against the french, Japanese and again the french to determine there own destiny. After the defeat of the french at Dien Bein Phu, the U$, which was footing 80% of the bill at the time refused to allow the Vietnamese people the freedom to determine there own destiny and rejected elections for reunification between the North and The South due to the fact that in there own words if there are election 80% of people will vote for Ho Chi Minh.

Seeing that the government of Diem in the south had no popular support and alienated everyone, the U$ faked the gulf of tonkin incident, which lead to the gulf of tonkin resolution and direct U$ intervention in Vietnam with ground troops.

The Vietnamese people resisted the equivelent of 250 hiroshimas being dropped on there land, the majority of water and land being made useless by “defoliation chemicals” like agent orange and the direct military attack of one of the most powerful superpower. Despite all this imperialism and colonialism were defeated and though the Vietnamese people payed a heavy loss, they created the conditions that allowed them as a nation to determine there own destiny.

Today many people like to criticize Vietnam and argue whether or not it is a “true socialist” country, not taking in account the material conditions on the ground in Vietnam.

The people of Vietnam have fought there war of liberation not so that people in coffe shops have something to debate and argue but rather to rebuild there nation and have the sovereignty to determine there own destiny. On this glorious anniversery let us remember that supporting self determination does not mean that you support peoples right to determine there own destiny when they do what you want and stop supporting them when they dont agree with western notions of what self determination means, but that supporting self determination means supporting peoples right to determine there own destiny even when there view, as people on the ground with there own outlook based on there own experiances and worldview, is not ideologically pure or “indigenous” enough for peoples preconceived notions of what self determination looks like. Unconditional support of people struggling against imperialism and self determination is a must for all those who dare call themselves anti imperialists.

On this heroic victory let us also remember that here on six nations territory we are settlers and as true anti imperialists it is not enough to support anti colonialist struggles everywhere else but here, but that we have a duty and obligation to support those fighting for indigenous soverieghnty unconditionally here on the basis of Friendship, mutual respect and the principles of non intervention. The lessons of Vietnam are that no matter how strong the imperialists seem they will fail, let all of us who claim to be anti imperialists hasten this day!!!!!

Victory Belongs to those who resist!!!!!

Callout For May 1st Mayday Action in KW

30 Apr

May Day of Action (Kitchener – Waterloo)

On Tuesday May 1st, you are invited to take part in a day of celebration and action, beginning at Victoria Park in Kitchener and, after a march, ending at Speaker’s Corner. We are calling on the people of Kitchener-Waterloo to join people from around the world to reclaim public space, demonstrate and to share their collective desire for a better world – one of dignity and justice for all!

Recently the voices of local people and the people of Ontario (and all those in the struggle against injustice everywhere) are pronouncing; “this is not a protest, this is a process!” On May 1st, every continent, every country and every city will stand up!
Join us in a day of community, action, and solidarity!

About May Day:
May Day is an important and growing holiday to many in our community and around the world. May Day is often either traced back to the pagan festival of wild rebirth, or to the 1886 Haymarket Affair, in which workers fought and died for the 8-hour work day. May Day is a time to renew our energies to drive change, be it social, economic, and/or environmental. We encourage everyone to gather with their friends and community and join us, and other communities in Southern Ontario (such as London, Toronto, and Hamilton) in a collective display of community power that demonstrates tangible alternatives which are anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppressive in nature.

Schedule of Events:

1st Event:

From 3pm to 5pm, we invite you to join us in Victoria Park for 2 hours of collaborative healing, resilience, and creative resistance.
Activities include: a free community potluck, BBQ & beverages (until 3:45), soccer game(s) (3pm), a choir teach-in (3:30pm), an Occupy assembly (4pm), children’s activities (4pm), a legal info workshop (4:30pm), and more!

Feel free to bring musical instruments, noisemakers, sports equipment, banner/sign making ideas (and supplies if you like!)… get creative, bring ideas, or gather with others and plan something!

2nd Event:

Shortly after 5pm, following brief speeches and announcements from local community organizers, we will march through Kitchener streets on route to Speakers’ Corner (Frederick/King Street Intersection). During this hour long march/bike ride, we will chant, sing, and dance, as we pass by historical relics from Kitchener’s rich working class history, and reflect on how quickly development is going on around all of us. We will pass through neighborhoods deeply impacted by these sudden changes and let our voices be heard in demanding affordable housing, and a right to choose how we live in our own communities. This will also be our chance to let all institutions, public, or private, know that we demand workers’ rights for all, whether in the home or in the workplace, waged, or unwaged, documented, or undocumented! We will highlight the links of workers’ struggles to other campaigns for social justice for all, in recognition that our strength comes in our unity.

3rd Event:

At roughly 6pm, we’ll arrive at Speakers’ Corner for a rally featuring local speakers and musicians! Let’s bring the noise and festive attitude, and let all those passing by share in our message of May Day!

What are we demanding?

Respect, dignity, and democracy in the workplace, for waged and unwaged workers!
More affordable housing in Kitchener/Waterloo!
Indigenous sovereignty and settler solidarity!
Women’s rights, and gender equity!
Raising OW / ODSP rates now!
A living wage for all, no more poverty wages, and no more temporary work/er exploitative schemes!
Workers rights for all workers of the world!
Stopping the attacks on public services!
Stopping prison expansion & corporate handouts!
Ending imperialist wars and aggression!

And more, so clear your schedule on May 1st, and have your say Kitchener/Waterloo!


May 1st KW
– Kitchener, Occupied Turtle Island

The political Nature of my present Charges and Lawsuit

27 Apr

One thing i keep on hearing over and over again in regards to my present lawsuit against the undercover piece of shit known as Khalid Mahhamed aka piece of shit is that although it was fucked up what happened if we dont give police the power to commit crimes when infiltrating how are they going to catch the bad guys. in other words police should have the power to do whatever they have to do to keep law and order and if we dont give them cart blanche to do as they please society will fall apart.

I could argue about the fact that khalid lied about me twisted things incited violence etc. and went beyond what he had to do, but i wont(i have in other places).

What I find interesting is the fact that he did not infiltrate the Mafia or a drug cartel etc. he was sent to spy on open political organizations whose politics and ideology was public knowledege. according to the g20 papers the people who were targeted for surveillance and infiltration were so targeted because of the fact that they held “criminal ideologies”, in other words they were targetted because of what they thought.

The fact that my current charges around blogging my experience are being laid by the racketeering branch of the opp, and that the conspiracy charges that were dropped were dealt with by the guns and gangs court shows that they are trying to equate political dissidence and organizing with organized crime. In others words to be organized or to organize your collective in defense of political and economic rights is now a crime.

This equation that is being made in the media and by the state that to be organized or to hold ideologies is a very dangerous paradigm.

To treat political people as criminals and equate dissidence with organized crime consolidates the states power to use any and all means available to deal with anyone who dissents and is an attack on people basic right to conscience. We were spied on and attacked not because of any crime we were committing or planning but simply because we chose to organize our community and hold a political view. I am currently facing inditable charges not for being some mafia head but for trying to break the silence on the criminalization of politics and ideology. in this light to talk about my lawsuit or current charges on the basis of equating my politics with organized crime misses the point completely which is not whether or not the police should use dirty tricks to entrap those engaged in organized crime (which is a whole different discussion) but the fact that they are using these tactics on people simply for there politics and ideology. If this isnt criminalization of politics i dont know what is!!!!

Engaging ideas on the right to conscience

27 Apr

workshop/ discussion on Engaging Ideas on the Right to Conscience
Tuesday, May 8, 2012.5:30pm..

43 queen st. Queen St. Commons

Alex Hundert
Megan kinch
Oz Cole Arnel

Come out and learn about recent attempts to criminalize peoples rights to conscience here in Canada. Find out about the problems people are facing due to the fact that they choose to hold an ideology and how people are staying strong and unbroken in the face of this. Special attention will be payed to the g20 and its fallout and criminalization of bloggers like Mr. Keller and Ichim

We are the ones that will never be broken!!!!!!

26 Apr

So the state in its infinite wisdom has decided to try to silence peoplespeaking about the dirty tricks that they played with the infiltration and attacks on the peoples movement, particularly in terms of the dirty tricks that they played through there informer Khalid Mohhamed. As soon as Dan kellar wrote about him before the existence of the court order they have arrested him, they cut a deal allowing six brave people to plead guilty to the lessor charge of counselling and dropped the charges against everyone else, even though they had shit on us so that the issues will not be talked about and that people would forget.

I choose to write my side of the story and then i get charged. To make an example of me they choose to proceed inditeably meaning hard jail time. They throw out my arguments that raise the point who was this person and what dirty tricks did he play as collateral attack trying to make the issue whether or not i published the earlier blog in november called something like Khalid Mohamed aka Police infiltrator.

Yes the state felt pretty cocky like they may have won some small victorys as if there fear could intimidate us into silence, as if we would forget.

From there intelligence that they are gathering on me they probably think that they may have won, after all im spending most of my time working on defending myself and they are certain that I will end up in jail for awhile due to writing a fucken blog. They are convinced that my struggle to show the political nature of these charges will end in failure and when i do go on hungerstrike if incarcerated and found guilty for the state to admit the political nature of this persecution it will fall on deaf ears. They have incarcerated Mandy, Leah, Adam Lewis and others and feel that they struck a big blow against the movement.

Yesterday we showed that all this is bullshit and our movement will never be broken or silenced. Yesterday we showed that we also know how to use the legal system to hit back and expose to the world what happened. Yesterday we demonstrated that we are the ones that will never be broken and all attempts to silence us and getting our side of the story out will backfire.!!!! Like Bobby Sands states there is nothing the imperialists have in there arsenal that can destroy the spirit of people who are fighting!!!!

In this lawsuit every dirty trick will comeout and we will make sure that people will not forget what happenned. With this lawsuit we will show that it is the state that is violent and that the state will do whatever it must to silence opposition. With this lawsuit we will expose the police for what they are in eyes of the whole world. This lawsuit is a testement to what lengths the state will go to silence political people and what will the movement has to resist these attacks and fight back.

The best part is that when we win this money will go not into my private pockets but to finance the movement that they have attempted to destroy and trust me with 4 million dollars there is alot we can do. Imagine that the cops financing a movement that will eventually bring us political and social freedom. They should have never fucked with us!!!!!!We are the ones who will never be broken!!!!!!We are the ones who have come out stronger and now that the tables are turned everyone will know the truth!!!!!

Final Victory Belongs To Us!!!!!!

Statement of notice to cops crown and khalid

26 Apr

This is a rougher draft then the one i handed in today there maybe spelling grammer mistakes etc.



b e t w e e n:










A CLAIM IS TO BE MADE AGAINST YOU by the Plaintiff. Take Notice that a claim as outlined below will be made against you in the Superior Court of Justice (Toronto). This Notice is provided pursuant to s. 7(1) of the Proceedings Against The Crown Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. p.27.

TO: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario

Attorney General

Crown Law Office – Civil

8th Floor

720 Bay Street

Toronto ON M7A 2S9



(a) General damages in the amount of $2,000,000.00 for false arrest, false imprisonment, assault and battery, malicious prosecution, misfeasance in public office, negligence, and for breaches of section 2, 7, 8, 9, 10(b) and 12 rights as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”), and for other Charter violations described below;

(b) Aggravated and special damages in the amount of $1,000,000.00 for these same torts and Charter violations;

(c) Punitive and exemplary damages in the amount of $1,000,000.00;

(d) Declarations that the Defendants and their agents violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

(e) Pre-judgment and post-judgment interest in accordance with the Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43, as amended;

(f) Costs in this action on a substantial indemnity basis; and

(g) Such further and other relief as to this Honourable Court may deem just.


2. The Plaintiff, Julian Ichim, is a 32 year old male residing in Toronto, Ontario. The Plaintiff is an outspoken community activist.

3. The Defendant Toronto Police Services Board was at all material times the employer of all police officers in the Toronto Police Service (TPS), and is vicariously liable for the wrongful acts and omissions of the TPS officers pursuant to s. 50(1) of the Police Services Act, RSP 1990, C. p.15.

4. The Ontario Provincial Police (the “OPP”) is the police force for Ontario pursuant of the provincial Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. p.27. The provincial Crown is liable, pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, supra, for the wrongful or negligent acts and omissions of the OPP’s members, employees, and agents, including members of other police forces operating under the jurisdiction, supervision, or command of the OPP or its members.

5. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is the ministry of the Provincial Crown in Ontario which maintains provincial custodial facilities including Maplehurst Correctional Complex (“MCC”) in Milton, Ontario. The provincial Crown is liable pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, supra, for the wrongful or negligent acts and omissions of employees and agents of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

6. Pursuant to s. 9 of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, the Defendant Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario is a the party to be named in proceedings taken against the provincial Crown.

7. The Defendant Constable Bindo Showan (“Showan”) was at all material times employed as a police officer with the Ontario Provincial Police.


8. The Defendant Showan was an undercover police operative from approximately March 27, 2009 up until summit of the Group of Twenty countries in Toronto on June 26 and 27, 2010 (“the G20 Summit”). He was directed to infiltrate and gather intelligence (“the Infiltration”) on groups who police thought would disrupt Vancouver Olympic events in February, 2010, or G8 meetings in Huntsville, Ontario in June, 2010. Showan went by the name “Khalid Mohammed” and began the Infiltration in Guelph, Ontario.

9. On December 7, 2009, the Government of Canada announced that it would be hosting a summit of leaders of the Group of Twenty countries (the “G20”) in Toronto (the “G20 Summit”).

10. Showan was one of at least 12 undercover police officers across Canada who infiltrated activist communities in the lead up to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and the G20 Summit

11. From March 2009 to September 2009 the Plaintiff resided at 42 Wellington Street in the City of Stratford, Ontario. Thereafter, the Plaintiff then lived in Inuvik in the North West Territories, until sometime in February 2010, at which time the Plaintiff moved and lived at 362 Yorkshire Street in the City of Guelph, Ontario. The Plaintiff spent a significant amount of time at his family home in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. The Plaintiff frequently traveled to and organized with people in Stratford, Kitchener,-Waterloo, Guelph, and Toronto, Ontario.

12. From June 2009 until June 2010, Showan integrated himself into the Plaintiff’s life and the anti-poverty movement that he was part of. Showan infiltrated groups that the Plaintiff belonged to including Stratford Action for Equality (SAFE), and Guelph Sense of Security (SOS). These groups were similar in that their goals were the eradication of poverty, free food programs, harm reduction, and literacy programs.

13. Showan infiltrated other groups that the Plaintiff did not belong to including Guelph Land Is More Important Than Sprawl (LIMITS), and Anti War @ Laurier (AW@L), and the Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR).

14. On June 6, 2009 the Defendant Showan met the Plaintiff at the Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair at Westdale High School in Hamilton, Ontario. Showan represented himself to the Plaintiff as “Khaled Mohammed” and described himself as a radical Kenyan activist with Marxist political leanings.

15. Showan befriended the Plaintiff under false pretences and through deception.

16. After this initial meeting, Showan went to great lengths to deceive and manipulate the Plaintiff in order to gain his trust and achieve police objectives. Showan and numerous other police officers invested significant police resources into a systematic and strategic plan to surveille and investigate the Plaintiff.

17. On September 17, 2009, Showan sought impress the Plaintiff by pretending to unlawfully transfer and sell nine cartons of cigarettes. Showan picked up the Plaintiff in Kitchener. Showan misled the Plaintiff and did not tell the Plaintiff where they were going. Showan took the Plaintiff to Milton, Ontario where Showan received a large amount of cash from an undercover police officer. Showan took the Plaintiff to Brantford, Ontario where Showan received nine cartons of cigarettes from a different undercover police officer. Showan returned the cigarettes to the first undercover officer in Milton and kept $900.

18. Showan developed good rapport with the Plaintiff by driving him places, buying him alcohol, food, and other items, and often inquiring about the Plaintiff’s health.

19. Showan pretended to be very nice to the Plaintiff’s mother, Florica Ichim, and he sometimes drove her to doctors’ appointmens. Showan privately consoled the Plaintiff and offered emotional support. Secretly, Showan took advantage of the Plaintiff’s duress and emotional upset.

20. The Plaintiff believed “Khalid Mohamed” to be a good friend.

21. On some Tuesdays in July 2009 and August 2009, Showan drove activists, including the Plaintiff, from Kitchener to Stratford in his van and would buy them pizza and alcohol. Showan would routinely encourage people to drink when they refused and he would also insist that they continue drinking.

22. During the Infiltration, Showan routinely purchased alcohol for many different people, and encouraged drinking after various protests and meetings. Showan had parties at a residence in Guelph where he supplied activists with free alcohol. Showan provided alcohol to persons who were not of age. Showan, himself, used alcohol while on duty and in the company of people he was surveilling. Showan drove his van while intoxicated and while under the influence of alcohol and thereby endangered the Plaintiff and the public.

23. The Defendant Showan attempted to manipulate the Plaintiff into making decisions that were objectively not in the interests of the Plaintiff, and instead were in the interests of police.

24. In September 2009, Ichim planned on moving to Inuvik in the North West Territories to work with at-risk Native youth. Showan expressed dissatisfaction with the Plaintiff’s decision. Showan said he would be alienated from activist groups and activities because he was a person of colour, he was a minority, and others did not know him or trust him. If the Plaintiff left, Showan would not be able to continue the activism he maintained. The Plaintiff did move to Inuvik temporarily, from sometime in September 2009 to February 2010.

25. During The Infiltration, Showan routinely encouraged actions against the Olympics and G8/G20 in Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, and Toronto.

26. When Ichim returned from Inuvik in February 2010, Showan insisted that the Plaintiff get involved in G20 protest organizing.

27. On April 21, 2010 and May 1, 2010, T (“D”), who was an undercover police agent, attended meetings of Sense of Security (SOS) in Guelph, Ontario. D insisted that SOS and Ichim specifically organize a protest in the week leading up to the G20 Summit. At the time, it was understood that a coalition of activists were planning a week of events to take place prior to the G20 Summit. The events were to raise issues such as economic justice, environmental justice, and indigenous sovereignty.

28. From February 16, 2010 until May 2010, Showan exerted pressure on Ichim to attend meetings of the Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR) organizing meetings in Toronto for the G20, which the Plaintiff did not attend. The Plaintiff did not attend because he was commitments were to programs that assisted with in Guelph, including free food programs, drug counselling programs, and harm reduction programs.

29. D and Showan repeatedly stated that they were disappointed that the Plaintiff was not taking a more leading role in G20 organizing and tried to encourage him to take a more leading role. The Plaintiff instead emphasized the importance of local, grassroots community programs.

30. The Plaintiff did ultimately assist in organizing a protest that took place prior to the G20 Summit on June 21, 2010.

31. Showan promoted violence and criminal activity to community activists who he met in the course of his undercover operations. For example, on multiple occasions Showan advocated sabotaging machinery to disturb the economy and stop development of wetlands near the Hanlon Creek. Between July 27, 2009 and August 14, 2009, when a group of activists staged a 19 day sit-in of the Hanlon Creek development, Showan was ostracized and told to leave the protest because he was advocating violence and sabotage

32. Showan acted with malice, improper purpose, and outside his lawful authority when he encouraged people to commit criminal offenses.

33. During The Infiltration Showan entered the Plaintiff’s principle place of residence in Guelph at 362 Yorkshire Street without warrant. Showan entered the Plaintiff’s long time family residence in Kitchener at 126 Madison Avenue without warrant. Showan entered the Plaintiff’s residence in Stratford at 42 Wellington Street without a warrant. Showan attended Florica Ichim.

34. Showan investigated and survielled the Plaintiff beyond what was reasonable necessary to achieve the purposes of the Infiltration. Showan breached the Plaintiff’s right to privacy. Showan violated the Plaintiff’s right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, contrary to s.8 of the Charter. The Plaintiff did not give his consent to be searched at any time and he did not waive his right to privacy.

35. “The Defendant Showan breached the Plaintiff’s right to privacy.

36. Khalid Mohammed” was unknown to most people and he attempted to use the Plaintiff to develop credibility within the activist community.

37. The activist community did eventually discover that Showan was an undercover police officer which caused damage to the Plaintiff’s credibility in that community. Activists that relied on the Plaintiff’s judgment no longer trusted him. This affected the Plaintiff’s ability to organize community events and obtain gainful employment in the activist community.

38. On the morning of June 26, 2010, Ichim and his then fiancée were in Toronto, Ontario and walked into the Tim Horton’s restaurant located at 111 Carlton Street.

39. By this time, Showan had been survielling the Plaintiff more than one year. Showan new a great deal of information about the Plaintiff and his plans G20 Summit. Showan knew that the Plaintiff did not plan to commit any criminal offense at the G20 Summit. Showan knew that the Plaintiff had not conspired with others to commit any criminal offense at the G20 Summit.

40. The Plainitiff was suddenly and without warning apprehended by a group of plain-clothes Toronto Police Service officers.

41. The officers directed the Plaintiff to go with them and proceeded to grab the Plaintiff by the arms pulling him outside. The Plaintiff did not resist and went with the officers.

42. The officers forced the Plaintiff into unmarked van parked in front of the restaurant. The vehicle contained even more TPS officers. Inside the police vehicle, TPS officers repeatedly struck the Plaintiff in the back using punches, knees, and elbow strikes over a period of 10 to 15 minutes.

43. TPS officers used excessive force during the arrest of the Plaintiff. TPS officers assaulted and battered the Plaintiff. TPS officers violated the Plaintiff rights to liberty and security in violation of s. 7 of the Charter.

44. During Ichim’s arrest, the police officers did not inform the Plaintiff of his right to remain silent and his right to counsel, contrary to s. 10(b) of the Charter.

45. The Plaintiff was charged with Conspiracy to Commit and Indictable Offense contrary to s. 465(1)(c) of the Criminal Code.

46. It was alleged that the Plaintiff conspired with 17 other individuals to do property damage and obstruct police at the G20 Summit. Many of these individuals were arrested at approximately the same time as the Plaintiff in a coordinated and premeditated police plan that involved OPP officers including Showan, as well as TPS officers.

47. S. 495 of the Criminal Code of Canada R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (the “Criminal Code”) states that a peace officer may arrest without warrant:

a. a person who has committed an indictable offence or who, on reasonable grounds, he believes has committed or is about to commit an indictable offence; or

b. a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence…

48. In the circumstances, there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the Plaintiff had or was about to commit an indictable offence. The Plaintiff was not found committing a criminal offence. There were no grounds to arrest the Plaintiff under s. 495(1) of the Criminal Code.

49. The Plaintiff was falsely arrested and imprisoned by TPS officers.

50. The arrest of the Plaintiff was unlawful, arbitrarily, and contrary to ss. 7 and 9 of the Charter.

51. TPS arrested the Plaintiff on the basis of information provided to them by OPP officers including Showan. Some of the information shared with the TPS was false and misleading. The Plaintiff was arrested and charged on the basis of this false or misleading information. Officers with the OPP caused the Plaintiff to be arrested.

52. Showan and other OPP officers knowingly shared false and misleading information with the TPS in order to have the Plaintiff arrested.

53. Showan and other OPP officers knew that the Plaintiff did not take part in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. Showan and OPP officers knew that there were not reasonable grounds to arrest the Plaintiff. Still, OPP officers including Showan caused TPS officers to arrest of the Plaintiff.

54. One or more OPP officers ordered or caused the arrest of the Plaintiff when they knew there were no lawful grounds for arrest. OPP officers including Showan knowingly breached the law, abused their authority, and were misfeasant in public office.

55. The Plaintiff was not arrested for a lawful purpose. The Plaintiff was arrested for the purpose of preventing him from exercising his right to freedom of expression. The purpose of arresting the Plaintiff was to interfere with his community activism. The arrest of the Plaintiff was a violation of s. 2 of the Charter.

56. Showan and OPP officers were grossly negligent when they shared false and misleading information about the Plaintiff.

57. The Plaintiff was arrested for an improper purpose and was thereafter maliciously prosecuted.

58. Showan and other OPP officers were negligent during the course of their investigation of the Plaintiff when they shared false and misleading information about the Plaintiff.

59. Showan and other OPP officers acted in bad faith and with ill intent.

60. The Plaintiff was taken to a temporary detention centre. The Eastern Avenue Detention Centre (“EDC”) located at 629 Eastern Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, was specifically created for G20 Summit related prisoner processing.

61. At the detention centre the Plaintiff was denied access to counsel contrary to s. 10(b) of the Charter. The Plaintiff was denied access to reasonable medical treatment. The Plaintiff was denied reasonable access to the necessities of life including water and food.

62. TPS officers were negligent in their management and treatment of prisoners, including the Plaintiff, at the EDC.

63. The Plaintiff was subjected to cruel and unusual treatment at the EDC, contrary to s. 12 of the Charter.

64. At the EDC the Plaintiff was unlawfully strip searched, contrary to s. 8 of the Charter.

65. The Plaintiff was taken before a court some time on Saturday, June 26, 2012, and he was adjourned into custody without a bail hearing. The Plaintiff was taken to Maplehurst Correctional Complex (MCC) where he was held for two nights.

66. At the MCC the Plaintiff was denied reasonable access to medical treatment. Staff, agents, and employees at the MCC failed in their duty to provide the Plaintiff with reasonable medical treatment. The Plaintiff was owed a duty of care in the circumstances. Staff, agents, and employees of MCC were negligent.

67. The Plaintiff suffered injury and further deteriorating health as a result of the fale arrest and mistreatment while in custody at the EDC and the MCC.

68. The Plaintiff was strip searched when he entered MCC. The Plaintiff was not lawfully in custody at the time of the search and therefore the Plaintiff was unreasonably strip searched at MCC, contrary to s. 8 of the Charter.

69. The Plaintiff was brought to court and released on bail on Monday, June 28, 2012. Florica Ichim acted as a surety in order to gain the release her son. She had to attend and testify in court at 2201 Finch Avenue in Toronto. The Plaintiff spent approximately 55 hours days in custody.

70. The Plaintiff was put on very restrictive bail terms. The bail terms included a list of people that the Plaintiff could not associate with. The bail terms interfered with the Plaintiff’s right to freedom of expression, association and assembly.

71. The pending charges against the Plaintiff were a considerable source of stress in the Ichim family. Dealing with the pending charges caused the Plaintiff to suffer anxiety and emotional upset.

72. During the Infiltration Showan kept detailed notes and documented his interactions with hundreds of people. Showan made notes of many personal and intimately private conversations that he had with the Plaintiff. Showan made notes of details that were extraneous to his investigation. For example, Showan made notes of sexual experiences described by the Plaintiff and included in his notes comments made about the Plaintiff’s private health matters. After the G20 Summit, evidence gathered by Showan, including his notes, were disclosed to Crown counsel, as well as coaccused and their counsel.

73. It was reasonable foreseeable that many people would later read notes prepared by Showan during the course of the Infiltration. Showan made these notes with the intention of embarrassing and humiliating the Plaintiff. Showan acted with malice.

74. All charges were withdrawn against the Plaintiff at the request of the Crown.


75. The Plaintiff has suffered damages, including:

a) damages for loss of liberty and indignity;

b) damages for physical distress including injuries sustained during arrest and while in custody;

c) emotional and mental distress including, but not limited to, depression and anxiety;

d) damages for loss of reputation;

e) loss of income;

f) damages for the Plaintiff’s loss of time and routine of life;

g) aggravated damages for the insulting, high handed, malicious and oppressive conduct; and

h) punitive damages for the Defendants’ abuse of authority for a malicious purpose with wilful and/or grossly negligent disregard of the Plaintiff’s rights.


76. Plaintiff claims damages in respect of the unlawful conduct of members of the OPP and the TPS and the Defendant Showan.

77. The Plaintiff further claims damages pursuant to s. 24(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the breach of their rights under sections 2, 7, 8, 9, 10(b), and 12 of the Charter.

78. The Plaintiff proposes that this action be tried at Toronto.

Dated: April 24, 2012

Denis Grigoras Law Office

Sebastian Denis Grigoras (54578B)

Barrister and Solicitor

103-275 Wharncliffe Road North

London, Ontario N6H 2C1

Tel: 519-439-8888

Fax: 519-439-8899

Lawyer for the Plaintiff, Julian Ichim

callout for people to show up at lawsuit, make the cops pay!!!!!!!

24 Apr

Wed. April 25 3:15 pm outside 720 Bay St.

On Wed. April 25 i will be launching a lawsuit against Khalid Mohhamed, The Toronto Police and The Crown for the undercover investigation my arrest, treatment inside and the legal fallout. This is part of my strategy to hold the state accountable for the suffering and attacks that they have put me, my family and the movement through as a result of the fact that I am political.

Currently I am facing serious charges which are being proceeded by inditement as a result of writing a blog about my experiences with the undercover investigation and the impact that it has had on me. The reasons for these charges is because the state wants us to forget what has happened and what dirty tricks it has played on us specifically so that it can do it again.

Those of us who have gone through this targeting and have lost alot in this process can not nor should we forget. Our dreams are haunted, our psyches are shattered and we are not the same people who we were before we have gone through this process. The state has taken away our trust, our freedom and in my case the last two months of my moms life where on her deathbed she had to spend all her time worrying about finding me another surety instead of getting her things in order. As someone told me several days ago I am a completely different person, and not in a goodway. This I canot forget nor forgive.

The purpose of this lawsuit is more then just an attempt to get money, it is an attempt to hold the system accountable and to let the world know the dirty tricks that the state has played to criminalize people simply for the fact that they are political. It is to let the world know that the Canadian state not only has political prisoners but will stoop to whatever dirty tricks they feel it is necessary to criminalize and silence people for there politics. It is a tool that I will use to combat all the slanders against me in the disclosure and all the lies that the state has used to divide the movement and criminalize myself and my ex co accused because of the simple facts that we choose to hold ideologys deemed criminal by the state.

With this lawsuit I am taking the battle to them and stating not only will we refuse to be criminalized for being political but we will use whatever tools are available to us to hold the state accountable.

This lawsuit is my attempt to break the silence that they have tried to impose on what really happened at the g20 and what dirty tricks they played to criminalize us for our politics. I ask people to join me and together we will win!!!!!!

This Wed. Ichim Sues Cops Khalid Mohhamed and Crown!!

23 Apr

For immediate release

Wrongfully charged for organizing G20 violence, Community Activist Julian Ichim is bringing a 4 million dollar lawsuit against the Toronto Police Services Board, The Provincial Crown and Constable Bindo Showan for false imprisonment, assault and battery, misuse of public office, and breaches of section 2, 7, 8, 9, 10(b) and 12 of the Charter. On Wednesday April 25th, at 3:30pm in front of the Attorney General Crown Law Office on the 8th floor of 720 Bay Street Julian Ichim will be filing his notice to the crown.

During the G20 Ichim was arrested, beaten, and denied many basic rights as a result of his political views. Julian Ichim, a life long community activist, was part of a year and a half long investigation before the G20 which included infiltration of community based organizations by undercover RCMP and OPP agents. He was arrested at the G20 for conspiracy and later charged with counseling to commit indictable offenses. Charges against Ichim have since been withdrawn.

Ichim feels that the criminalization of community organizing through the practice of targeting outspoken individuals by police has a negative impact on the community as a whole and works to undermine the political process in our society.

Ichim feels that if police continue this practice, there will be a chilling effect on those who have dissenting views as they will be afraid to express their opinions thereby undermining watchdog groups and others that play the role of keeping government accountable.

Ichim states “This lawsuit is not about me or the money, it’s about the fact that people in this country are criminalized and brutalized simply for their political beliefs. If they can do this to me today, they can target anyone tomorrow.”

Ichim states that if he wins, the majority of this money will go to finance and support community projects that empower residents and to help others who are facing similar G20 related charges.
For more info please call Gloria Ichim Student at Law with Denis Grigoras Law 519-988-5544

Free Marian Price!!!!!!

20 Apr

The North of Ireland: Free Marian Price
Written by Tony Healy
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The decision of the Secretary Of State to revoke Marian Price’s release from prison has been met with widespread opposition from the Republican movement. The justification given was that the threat that she poses has “significantly increased” and that she had been encouraging support for an illegal organisation based on her involvement in an Easter comm

Marian Price
The specific reason, most likely, was the visit of the British Queen who was due to visit Ireland shortly afterwards and the security clampdown associated with it. Marian is a leading figure in the 32 County Sovereignty Movement.

As for Marian herself, she was very active in the initial civil rights movement. She participated on the Burntollet march to Derry in 1969 and sees herself as a socialist. She is also highly regarded among republicans and stood firmly against the Adams faction. Perhaps that represents another reason for her arrest for “holding up a piece of paper”. So the issue of Marian’s return to jail is also tied in to the ongoing struggle between Sinn Féin and the groups that have split from it over the years since the change in direction of the Adams/McGuinness leadership.

The case has been highlighted as a return to the days of internment without trial during the troubles. Marian Price herself suffered force feeding in prison in the 1970s after going on hunger strike to demand repatriation to the North of Ireland after she was jailed in Britain.

The reaction of the police, the courts and the British Government to the student movement in Britain and Ireland and the recent riots in Britain, demonstrate that the state is prepared to use repressive methods against wide layers of the working class and the youth.

Throughout the world every day there are instances of workers’ representatives, trade unionist sand active workers being assassinated, tortured, jailed and victimised for the work they do on behalf of the class. In many cases the repressive forces have been trained by the British establishment and source their arms from Britain. So no one should doubt the extent that the ruling class will go to in order to protect their rule

The workers’ movement must oppose all state repression; any act of repression against an individual is really an attack on the whole of the working class. Sooner or later it will be the workers’ movement itself that comes under attack. This was the experience of the British miners’ strike for example. Under conditions of severe economic crisis and industrial struggle it will be harder and harder for the ruling class to rule in the old way, whether south of the border, in Britain or in the North itself. It is likely that the working class will be faced with confronting both the PSNI and the Gardai.

Marxists have consistently opposed individual terrorism on the grounds that it doesn’t work, because it does not involve the mass of workers in the struggle, but also for the practical reason that it gives the state the excuse to pile up repressive measures that can be used also against the working class. The British state developed a whole string of powers and repressive methods in the North throughout the 1970s and 1980s and it wasn’t slow in using them as this article from 1978 illustrates:

“A British Foreign Office Minister admitted in the House of Commons in January that 38 cases of ‘alleged’ breaches of Human Rights by Britain had been referred to the British Government for ‘observations’. These included Irish prisoners in English prisons. In two of the cases it is claimed by solicitors that [the methods] used were similar to those practiced by the Greek Military Junta some years ago!

“In 1971 Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights was violated in the most brutal manner, in two separate groups of incidents. These were – Fourteen men between 12th August and 2nd October 1971 were hooded , deprived of food, drink, sleep and made to stand against the wall over a period of six days, subjected to ‘white’ noise and beaten: Between 300 and 400 men were given ‘inhuman treatment’ in the Palace Barracks Hollywood between September 1971 and March 1972.” (Bill Webster, Militant Irish Monthly, March 1978)

Free Marian Price – Photo: Keresaspa
The point is that State repression is a class issue. The vast majority of those interned, tortured and subjected to “in depth interrogation” were young working class men. But, more broadly than that, the state used many of their newly acquired powers against the Labour and trade union movement, especially the Prevention of Terrorism Act which was regularly used against Trade Union Activists in the North.

Following the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and the establishment of the peace process, the direct British Military presence in the North was scaled down. But in the background the state apparatus is very much intact and functioning. The laws remain on the statute book and all of their “special powers” remain in reserve to be wheeled out when they are required. The British state is a highly experienced and heavily armed body of men; 40 years of “armed struggle” far from weakening the hold of the British State in the North have tended to strengthen it.

Above all this illustrates the fact that it takes more to get rid of the British State Apparatus than a campaign of individual terrorism. As Frederick Engels himself pointed out:

“The time of surprise attacks, of revolutions carried through by small conscious minorities at the head of masses lacking consciousness is past. Where it is a question of a complete transformation of the social organisation, the masses themselves must also be in on it, must themselves already have grasped what is at stake, what they are fighting for, body and soul. The history of the last fifty years has taught us that. But in order that the masses may understand what is to be done, long, persistent work is required, and it is just this work that we are now pursuing, and with a success which drives the enemy to despair.” (F. Engels, Introduction to Karl Marx’s The Class Struggles in France 1848 to 1850, in K. Marx and F. Engels’ Collected Works, Vol. 27, p. 520.)

The working class has enormous potential power. It represents potentially the strongest force in society. The ruling class are very aware of this, which is why they make strenuous efforts to manipulate the Labour movement and especially its leaders. To win the mass of the working class to a socialist programme requires a patient orientation to the organised working class and the youth. Commenting on this Alan Woods explained in his book Reformism and Revolution recently:

“What is important to grasp here is Engels’ insistence on the need for the revolutionary party to win the masses, as the prior condition to carrying out the revolutionary transformation of society. This requires a more or less lengthy preparatory period of patient propaganda, agitation and organisation, utilising all kinds of work, including trade union and parliamentary work, in order to win over the widest layers of the working class. This is a subject we shall return to.”

Here is what James Connolly said on the issue:

“An Irish Republic, the only purely political change in Ireland worth crossing the street for, will never be realised except by a revolutionary party that proceeds upon the premise that the capitalist and the landlord classes in town and country in Ireland are criminal accomplices with the British government, in the enslavement and subjection of the nation. Such a revolutionary party must be socialist, and from socialism alone can the salvation of Ireland come.” (James Connolly, The Harp, March 1909)

The Bolsheviks suffered state repression throughout the whole of the period leading up to the 1917 revolution. The state was able to infiltrate the movement to a high level during large parts of that time. However, they were able to overcome this obstacle by a political struggle, and a clear orientation to the working class.

So a political struggle needs to be waged to win the most advanced layers of the working class and the youth to the ideas of Marxism and the need for a socialist transformation of society. Ultimately only the working class can solve the national question in Ireland through the creation of a Socialist United Ireland linked in a voluntary federation to a Socialist Britain and a Socialist United States of Europe.

But it is insufficient to simply raise the red flag and expect workers and young people to flock to the banner. It is impossible within the context of the North to aspire to build a Marxist tendency without engaging with the political issues of the day, but more fundamentally with the major political issues, especially the national question and the question of the border and the position of the protestant working class. Above all, however, is the question of the role of the working class as the one force that can lead a successful Socialist Revolution on the island of Ireland.

In relation to the armed campaign of the Real IRA and other groupings, Marxists are opposed to such methods as they have prospect whatsoever of success and they are a diversion from the task of building an opposition to the impositions of the Tories and of the Executive. Rather than bringing closer the prospect of a United Ireland they simply serve to actually strengthen the hand of British imperialism. Thousands of workers face unemployment and tens of thousands will see the services they depend on attacked over the next four years. And it is at the head of the inevitable class struggle that is developing throughout the whole of Ireland that Marxists must place themselves.

Ultimately there is no way out of the cul de sac in the North, except through the Socialist Revolution. Internment and state repression stands in the way of that objective. That’s why we support the demand for the immediate release of Marian Price.

The North of Ireland: Free Marian Price

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Occupation of Milloy’s office in solidarity with CFS

18 Apr

On April 18th, members of the Spot Collective, AAP, and student supporters occupied the office of the Minister of Community and Social Services, MPP of Kitchener Centre John Milloy, as part of the Week Of Austerity and in solidarity with CFS and Quebec students opposing tuition hikes. In a climate of austerity, tuition has been increased by 75%, and the 30% “rebate” is a limited and insufficient response. These hikes and the cuts to community start-up funds are continuing an attack on students, workers, and poor people. During the occupation,  Kitchener residents spoke to the lived effects of these policies. Occupiers stayed in the office until closing and emphasised the gross inadequacy of the government’s so-called poverty reduction efforts.
We are calling on people to jam the phones at John Milloy’s office tomorrow and Friday (519-579-5460) to say we will not stand for a budget that continues this assault on our communities.