Fuck CAS

23 Dec

Where to begin, how do you talk about a publicly funded instituation that is a private corporation and makes money off of selling children. Do i talk about the fact that most of my friends with addiction problems started using while in custody, do I talk about the tales of physical and sexual abuse I have heard that goes on in foster homes, do I talk about the fact that although they dont keep records on race, indigenous people are targetted by CAS so disporportionatly that elders i the artic have told me its the continuation of residential schools. How about I quote my friend who walked with me on the monday g20 and got fed up of hearing CAS’s shit that he asked that we leave, i believe his exact words were “you broke my family apart, when you took us my mom didnt drink, now shes an alcoholic”

Every crime that imperialists accuse there enemies of doing, CAS does. Remember the Saddam incubator story, stealing babies from incubators, CAS in kw is there in the hospital as soon as a poor woman under 25 gives birth to steal the child. You know how they accuse communists of making children spy on there parents, what do you think they do when they take the child alone and grill him. You know how they say commuists make there children hate there parents, what do you think children thinkk when they are told again and again and again your parents hate you, they forgot about you etc. etc. They say communism destroys religion, what happenneds when you put an indigenous kid with settler parents? Its like the cheating husband yelling stop cheating to the loyal wife.

I could tell you my own experiances with these bastards and I will eventually, but i think this illistrates the problem better on my street there is an open custody facility and a group home, the open custody facility has grass, basketball courts etc. The group home has none of that. Both are contorolled entrabce etc, both put children in with violent people where they learn survival of the fittest etc. My question to you is what did the child in the group home do to end up in juvie jail, what was his crime?

There is a saying among the Irish fighting for reunification and the brits out of the North, its ” Our Day Will Come”. For all the drug addicts and suicides that they have created, for all the familys they broke apart. For the role they play as a tool of the oppressor they will be held responsible. Our day will come when all this shit come crashing and when we will be free. When that day comes and they need to find a job, give satan your resume, cause the level of evil in your souls is so dark that you will scare the shit out of him.

2 Responses to “Fuck CAS”

  1. Al December 24, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    I’m really ticked. I’ve read our local newspaper (K-W Record) faithfully literally for decades. I’ve seen their high points such as the Ron Archer/School Board Scandal and I’ve seen their low points such as the non coverage of my four week civil trial. When it comnes to the CAS I had to find out information via a Cambridge website (Cambridge Advocate) and via the internet. For decades the K-W Record has been singing the praises of the CAS. WTF ! How can they occasionally excel in investigative reporting and then other issues be totally out to lunch and in fact supportive of the wrong party?

  2. Joush October 14, 2016 at 12:29 pm #

    CAS is an evil demonic organization run by lucifer and his Masonic servants. The whole organization should be put in labour camps.

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